Patricia MartelloVD Japan Blogチャクラパトリシア・マルテーロ愛とスピリチュアリティ

パトリシアへの質問4-2 このようなことが起こらないようにするために、私たちはどうすればいいのでしょうか?


How can we try not to let happened these things?
















日々、多くの若者が愛する道や生きる喜びとつながる方法を見失い、自殺を図ろうとするのを見聞きする苦悩の現実があります。でも、そこから、新しくもっと明確で軽やかなリアリティへの扉を開いていきましょう。 この呼びかけは「緊急」です。新しいバイタルなパターンを創造し、教育・環境の分野におけるモデルを見せること。それは、生命を維持している宇宙の法則に基づく新しい教育なのです。私たちが進んでいく方向は、新しい社会、新しい夜明け、私たちすべてにとって新しい目覚めです!














私たちは、エネルギーの7つのセンター、知性の7つのセンター、7つの身体があることを発見しました。それらは開かれた普遍的な心の中でお互いに影響し合い、生命体の内側と外側に作用して新しい可能性を見出します。それは、脳が共振し、ミラー細胞が発達し、「これが人生で欲しいものだ、私に今必要なものはこれだ!」と認識するからです。 これは自分にとっても、地球にとっても、家族にとっても、すべての創造物にとっていいことなのです。あなたは再び、自分自身を発見するのです! ーパトリシア・マルテーロ  <訳:by 船坂 孝江>



6/21~23 パトリシア来日プログラムー3日間の深い体験が待っています♪

【Inspiration Days!】



6/22  スクール4期生の実習ワークショップもあります♪応援してね!

【Living in Joy〜喜びの中に生きる〜 無限の可能性を開くはじめの一歩〜】



速報!! スクール5期生!!募集始めます~~~☆

【第5期 バイタルダンスファシリテーター養成コース ~スクール説明会~】







Greatest question!

I believe we live out of our real meaningful life. Emotional distract from the daily mechanic duties and chronic stress.   what is your priority in your life? Are you giving up on yourself? Are you replacing to be for to have got!

I also believe there is a great polarity in the world women and men, a tragic miss chronic tension, I rather bring union and communion and open a new dimension to of deep understanding of perpetual sacred love, then, to extend to families.

Now a day family are dysfunctional, then the big problem of bully. Solitude, lack of selflove. Leading us to live for the social fake masking identity, abusive egoistic relationships. At the end we give up, and no longer feel connected or be guided by your own life’s heart direction.

People feel lots and then the terror, the fear, the guilt and shame .. the great pain and sadness to loos the opportunity of life.

At the end the polarity in humanity are we have wonderful, many good people and people they had lost the memories how good and wonderful they are. To take back the responsibility (responds- ability), of the inner adult who can have the experience and the age to take the right decision to be happy, to be calm, to sleep well, to enjoy food, life and love.  To be interconnected to the sacred web of love that hold us in our life!

I know for some people’s life is not easy, life became chaotic, manipulated, polluted, interrupted by war and natural disaster, but many of us would like to help, to add more love in our life, we can help to make it better for all, we have a human dream of global interconnected peace.

We can restart with a loving beautiful seed of intention, humanizing a new beautiful mission, we can start to share together pathways and to spread hope.

We eager through Vital Human Development to increase awareness and move faster together in order to opening a new clearer and lighter reality, among the agonizing reality of many young people who lost their way to love and the connectedness of the joy of living, we face every day so many young people trying to commit suicide. The call is urgent to start to create a new vital pattern, models in education, in environmentalism and a new education based in the universal laws of love that sustain life.

We evolve into a new society, a new dawn, a new awakening for all of us!

People who come to our Vital Development® workshops feel the effect of love, joy , wellness, sensuality, freedom and human communion, all within the web of the female and male polarities.

we re-educate in the concepts of respect, celebration and the sacred adultness within; we try to explore to rise happiness and healing in our planet.

Together in our trying processes we lean from each other reflexion, we support the human diversity and interconnection, we look after the flame that ignite our life journey. The Vital Human Journey in the training is not only a dream to achieve, it is a place to grow, to mature, to transmute, to go deeply in understand our human universal nature. We co inspire each other, we care for!

For many of us is our living reality and project in progress and as long I will be alive I will carry the vital torch to illuminates the heart of people!

I want to keep holding the hands in a human circle inviting you to meet the very best version of your personal vital love development within humanity with the message we keep saying to each other around the world “Welcome to my life with joy and love”

A voice that rise the frequency of the neuroplasticity in the human brain, the sound that find the echo of love in every cell, to sound with love in order to heal so much human madness, so much unnecessary pain and finally, to restore the inspiration, to build up with passion and creativity the planet we all the living beings deserve and we want to share pure and beautiful!

We share so much wonderful researches; my work try to bring harmony in order to reconcile life with love, we recognize and stimulate the integration of the 3 brains (reptilian, mammalian and human) the sacred trilogy that connects and unite us in universal body language of love and health.

We feel reborn during the workshops, simply because we resonate to the basic rhythm of the musical movements the language of nature, the language of our emotional interconnects.

We enlarge our perception of reality and rise new thoughts, where the consciousness can expand very easily, to get a clear and clever mind.

Our workshops priority is to rehab our existential humanity within our hearts, that’s why the changes are so fast and the effects of the changes during the workshops are felt immediately.

We discover 7 centres of energies, 7 centres of intelligence, 7 bodies that interact in the open universal mind receiving new possibilities that interact with the inner and outer life.

This is due to the brain resonance and the mirror cells that evolve and recognise this is what I want in my life, this is what I need now! This is good, for me and the planet, for me and my family, for all creation. You discover your self again!  -Patricia Martello