Dear Patricia
I want you to give us about you, your life these days!!
Like about your work, your interest, family, hobby, etc.
I ask you this because people in Japan wants to know about you!
My work started many years ago. My first class was when I was 16 years old.
My passion for learning to be able to teach, to keep learning about the human changes inspiring experience.
The vital inspiring experiences move me to breath a new dawn of real transformation, which inspire me and keep me expanding my knowledge for improving everything is meaningful to human happiness, love, peace, health life and deep spirituality.
We are collective – group beings, we come from the union with other bodies, we are the inspiration of manifesting life with love.
私たちは集合的 – 集団的な存在で、他の団体との連合から生まれ、愛ある人生を顕現するインスピレーションです。
Dance and music are my movement, the vital essence that shape my body and my mind within the art of learning to love life.
My life now a day is totally dedicated to keep creating groups of Vital Development® VitalDanza® around the world. My passion is travelling to visit my groups and to meet new places to run lectures, workshops and presentations.
私の現在の日常は世界中にバイタル デベロップメント®/バイタルダンス®のグループを作ることに全力を尽くしています。そして、私の情熱は私のグループを訪問すること、また、講義やワークショップ、プレゼンテーションを行う新たな場所と出会うことに費やされています。
My total dedication is driven by supporting the groups of Facilitators, Instructors and Directors to keep guiding the updates and researches of the Vital Development® method.
私はファシリテーター、インストラクター、ダイレクターのグループがバイタル デベロップメントのメソッドの最新の情報や研究成果を指導し続けられるよう支援することに全てを注ぎ込んでいます。
I dedicate every day 6 hours researching, writing and consulting different specialists in many disciplines, such as neurosciences, coaching, art, movement, psychology and medicine.
I love to write every day about several themes that I will applied and practice in my new workshops.
My central and starting point is the female and male energy, the mastering in emotional relationships and the 3 dimensions of love within the inner family, among others matters such us the power of music in our brain system.
My husband and I we work together to run workshops, now a day we are having Vital Development in 14 countries, in South and North America, Europe and Asia.
夫と私は一緒にワークショップを運営するために働いています。今や私たちは南北アメリカ、ヨーロッパ、アジアの14カ国でバイタル デベロップメントを行っています。
I love to go every week to some places out of my home in London to create for the people that come to join me in the wonderful
The facilitators are spreading the seed of the Vital groups in the world.
My family is for me my priority, the love I share to grow together from generation to generation and to keep happy and healthy in love.
The most important thing for me is also Marcelo, my husband, my companion of love in life! He is my fundamental relationship where LOVE is VITAL. Love in many different situation and circumstances, to fall in love in every stage and season of life.
私にとって最も重要なことは、私の夫であり、人生における愛の私の仲間でもあるマルセーロです! 彼は愛が不可欠である私の基本的な関係です。 愛はあらゆる違ったシチュエーションや状況で現れ、人生のあらゆる季節、ステージで恋に落ちます。
I love to create from my heart everything at home and what surround us.
My tools are my hands and my mind connect with my heart, so from that connection I start to create a garden, a meal, a home decoration, a project, a dance, a workshop, all comes from the same source. All my ideas come from the imagination of love in my heart. All is born from my body like my beautiful sons.
私のアイデアはすべて私のハートの中の愛の想像力から来ています。 すべて私の美しい息子のように私の身体から生まれています。
My hobbies are sooo many: I love transformation, recycling, transformation and creation of the new, I applied this concept to various areas: To find good music, dances, meditations for explain my method and to be able to touch the human soul.
This is almost 24/7 in my case, because most of the wonderful exercises we can explore in my workshops they come in my dreams, during the night.
Perhaps that’s why I need to sleep around 8 to 10 hours a day !…. My activity is special in my dream time!
I just realised why my nights are so long and lovingly creative. Sleep is one of my fundamental activities to restored body, mind, love and spirit.
I love to study to have a wonderful time and space to research, to review and to appreciate the feedback of the people during my workshops. To read books and to write new material. I LOVE IT!
Knitting is vital for me, to be able to create, from the cero point something is created and I see it growing, unfolding in in my hands, love manifesting in creativity, it is so special to me….
From my hands feels like giving birth to everything I love it.
I feel all can be manifested, maximizing my very best give me pleasure, I can do it every day, even when I do long or short flights every week. I always make sure , I travel with my crochet kit bring with me.
Threats than come from my heart and finish in my fingers, a net, a pattern that enable me to express, to make a gift for someone very special to me, very loving one.
For me become a ritual, an intimate ceremony to say I love you. Ceremony because I visualize the person and I pray for her-him, stich by stich, so my love and best wishes grow with the fabrics and the web of love. I started with Marcelo, my suns, family, friends and students! I made more than thousands of projects!
One other ritual is Gardening, this is the greatest master in my life, nature is the real heaven, the real way to learn the mystery of birth, grow, death and rebirth in mystical, spiritual nature in our wise open understanding of the meaning of love in our life!
I grow related to my garden season after season, the garden is my family, my Eden of LOVE. In the garden I can be the seed, the flower, the fruits and the let go, the rebirthing, the light of the sun, moon and all the starts, in the garden I learn to appreciate the miracle of life given. I learn to say yes to love, yes to life and to care about it.
The preparation of food with love, beauty and compassion, the moment to share in abundance and gratitude, to appreciate the moment to be together!!!
That’s why I feel at home in Japan, I love each detail, the rituals, the celebration and love Japanese people add to the ritual of communion and food nourishment, so beautiful oishi and healthy !!!
I come from Italian and South America family and food is life & love and beauty. So do I feel like this! Food is love!
私はイタリアと南アメリカの家族から来ていて、食べ物は人生であり、愛と美しさです。 だから私はこのように感じます、食べ物は愛です!
Sorry to go so long, but the most important hobby is to feel inspired and passionate with every single gesture and move I do in myself for the others!
I work for contributing to bring a sweet learning for: Devotion and compassion with one self, to add joy and love to humanity and to contribute to heal our bodies and souls through the art of movement and to teach peace in the world is my true vocation. To reunite the opposite and complementary yin and yang energy, the love in between the creation of the male and female energies.